Tuesday, March 3, 2015

License Plate from a 1973 Antique Truck

March 2, 2015

Hey Family,

The weather has been a mess here, super cold and rainy. But this week has been better. This last Saturday, the ward had a Pinewood Derby and us missionaries made a car. Well the elders cut it and we decorated it. It's a SpongeBob car, and it turned out really cute. Almost every week we go and make pizzas at a less-active lady's house, Cindy Roundtree. We don't teach her anything but she feeds the missionaries because her son was a missionary once. This time we visited her, I asked her  I can find license plates, and she went in her back room and pulled me one and gave it to me. It came from her 1973 antique truck and I was so surprised that she gave it to me (It was from her own car). I'll be sending it home sometime so that you can put it with my shrine. 

Last week we found out that Sister Todd will be transferred on Thursday, but we don't know where yet. President will let us know on Tuesday. There has been a lot of ET’s (Emergency Transfers) happening over the weeks. I have heard from Sister Ridge that her mom and you have been talking and maybe are going out to eat. I love Sister Ridge so much. We get along so great and she has given me a nickname, "MO" (for McKenna O’Connor). We're having so much fun serving the Lord. I want a little more info on what Dad did at the combine. Elder Mobley played football at Herriman and is trying to join the BYU football team and he also wants a little information. I love my district so much!  We all get along and have fun with each other. It's sad though because it all changes this week. Elder Clements is getting ET on Tuesday and Elder Jack got his visa so he leaves for Australia at the end of the transfer.

Well for my personal study time, I'm reading the Book of Mormon, New Testament and Preach My Gospel. Sometimes I'll just read one a day or try getting all three. Also I am trying to catch up on my journal writing. Companion Study, we have been doing "How to Begin Teaching", and "Teach People, Not Lessons". Sister Ridge and I have been going over these manuals while she is training me. Training has been going good, Sister Ridge is helping me and I have been learning new things that have made my testimony even stronger. Everyday varies of what we do. But usually we try to do an hour of tracing, then we go meet with potential investigators, less-active members and members so that I can practice teaching lessons by myself. With tracing, it's usually hard because when we meet with people, they just say that they go to church and that they are Christian or Baptist, so they don't want to hear from us. They say that they are happy that we are going around teaching those who need God in their lives, but most of the time they barely open the door and they try really hard to close it. Everyone has their own religion down here so it's kind of hard to tell them that our church it the Restored church and the way to live with our Heavenly Father again. 

Most of our investigators have dropped us or have gone anti against us, but the ones that we have are great. We met with Regina again on Saturday and she even bought us pizza and drinks. We told her about our apartment and she even offered us to stay with her. She is the nicest lady that I have met and she loves talking with us. We showed her videos from LDS.org and also the Gospel Library App. I always feel the spirit with her and better understand the love that Heavenly Father has for all of his children. 

Being here in Mississippi, I can understand why it is called the Bible belt, because everyone has their religion and has their own belief about God. But being down here, I realize how important it is to have the work down here. We all know Heavenly Father is there, but everyone doesn't have the whole gospel in their lives. We are all Heavenly Fathers children and he loves each one of us. I just hope being here in Mississippi, I can help find lost sheep and bring them closer to Christ. Over these last few weeks, my testimony has grown so much. I have a better understanding of why I am here and what my purpose as a missionary is. I have grown to love the people here and the love that I have for this gospel. I would not be who I am today if I didn't have it in my life and also living the gospel.  

Love you all so much and I can't wait to bring you guys back here to see everything and meet everyone. They are all so nice to me. Tammy and Beth love talking with you mom. I love the people her and I have only been here about a month. Love and miss you.

(Oh and I have memorized the First Vision, which I am pretty excited about!!!) 

Sister O'Connor

 Pinewood Derby-Elder SpongeBob

1973 Antique Truck License Plate-Thanks to Cindy Roundtree. I love it!

Beautiful Mississippi Sky

Historical monument school house built in 1860.

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